About Me
I'm an Associate Professor in Health Data Science at the Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, University of Leeds.

My current research involves the management and analysis of healthcare data, making use of statistics, machine learning, and HPC. I focus on improving patient healthcare via better prediction of patient outcomes, and optimizing healthcare service provision. Though I work across a range of clinical areas, much of my work involves multimorbidity, healthy ageing, and the interface between physical and mental health.
Using my background in HPC and linear algebra, I primarily work on so-called big data within the healthcare domain, looking at alternatives to traditional randomised control trials. This enables research to ask different questions of data, produce more generalisable results, and at reduced cost to the taxpayer. I'm also involved in the procurement and governance of datasets containing sensitive patient data.
Previous positions
I was previously a Postdoctoral Research Assistant at Manchester University specializing in Numerical Linear Algebra.
My research was previously in High Performance Computing (HPC). As part of the NLAFET project (funded through Horizon 2020) we aimed to deliver a linear algebra library capable of exascale performance on distributed, heterogeneous architectures.
This involved parallel computing using GPUs, Xeon Phis, and other accelerators combined with traditional multi-core parallellism and MPI. The project also aims to make advances in offline (and online) autotuning, algorithm-based fault tolerance, and other issues related to modern HPC.
Before that my research was focused on matrix functions - a generalization of functions like the exponential and logarithm to square matrices that retains their useful properties. I'm interested in all aspects of such functions, from theoretical properties and algorithm design to discovering new applications and computer programming. Some of my algorithms have been incorporated in the NAG and SciPy libraries. You can read my papers or look at Manchester's Matrix Function Research Group for more information. My recent talks can be found on the conferences page.
Outside of work I play guitar (rock, metal, and jazz), read a lot of stoic philosophy, and explore the countryside on my motorbike (currently a Kawasaki Z1000SX).
Contact Details
Please contact me via any of the following methods.
s.d.relton@leeds.ac.uk | |
@sdrelton | |
10.12 Worsley Building, University of Leeds |
Research Groups
I am a member of the following research groups at The University of Leeds.
Upcoming Events
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